- 4D Reconstructor 4.2.2 by Gexcel is a powerful processing software for lidar data. Import, process and manage your LiDAR data from terrestrial, handheld, mobile, airborne laser scanner and easily integrate UAV and 3D imaging data in a single platform. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- AmbergTunnel 2.18 by Amberg Technologies supports tunnelling in all construction phases. The system solutions under the umbrella name of Amberg Tunnel combine precise measuring instruments with task-specific software. Significant improvements in efficiency are realised, especially in tunnel navigation, tunnel profile measurements, tunnel scanning, geotechnical analysis and as-built tunnel analysis. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator.
- ATLAScan Works Pro 1.2.7 by Gexcel is a software for analyze lidar data. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator.
- CabMasterPro 11 is a cabinet, closet and kitchen design software. Tested with HASP key emulator.
- Conval 10.6.5 by F.I.R.S.T. is a software for engineers, planners and operators of industrial plants, provides extensive calculation functionalities for components and processes in industrial systems, based on tried-and-tested methods, such as DIN, VDI, VDMA EN/ISO and ISA. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- Cubus release 20.1 by Cubus AG is a software for structural and geotechnical engineering. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator. Modules AVENA, CEDRUS, FAGUS, LARIX, MURUS, PYRUS, STATIK with all options are available with the custom license.
- Designer by Disguise is a ultimate software to visualise, design, and sequence media show projects. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator with the full featured license.
- EasyGlass 6.7h1 with POWERSIM by DDX Group is is the ideal CAD/CAM for marble and similar materials working industry by numerically controlled machining centres. EasyGLASS is complete and fully manages the glass processing avoiding purchase, maintenance, training costs for other additional products: from design to disposition of pieces and underpieces on the bench, 3D automatic collision detection with simulation, machining optimization and program generation. POWERSIM is an additional module capable to verify the NC part programs directly on the PC. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator with full featured custom license.
- EgtCAM5 BEAMS and WALLS by EgalTech is a software dedicated to the processing of straight and curved beams and wooden walls on numerical control machines. Tested with the OxySec key emulator.
- EgtCAM5 WOOD DOORS by EgalTech is a software dedicated to doors and frames design and manufacturing on numerical control machines. It have following modules: WOOD, STONE, PLAST. Tested with the OxySec key emulator.
- EgtCAM5 PLASTIC by EgalTech is a software dedicated to the processing of thermoformed parts. The program allows you to easily and intuitively perform the machining of contouring or drilling on 5-axis machines, necessary to finish these types of pieces. The software also offers the possibility to work the counter templates to lock the pieces on the machine table. Tested with the OxySec key emulator.
- EgtCAM5 STONE by EgalTech is a software dedicated to the processing of complex pieces, from statues to funeral art, from basins to decorative columns, from fountains to wall coverings. The software allows the use of machining from 2 to 5 axes depending on the machine chosen. Made on the basis of a long experience in working stone slabs on bridge saws. Tested with the OxySec key emulator.
- ENC 5.3 by Causal Systems is a engineering noise control software. Tested with the Keylok II key emulator. All modules and options can be activated in the custom license.
- ETAP 20.5 by Operation Technology is a full spectrum analytical engineering software specializing in the analysis, simulation, monitoring, control, optimization, and automation of electrical power systems. ETAP 20 software offers the best and most comprehensive suite of integrated power system enterprise solution that spans from modeling to operation. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. Custom license with all modules activated is available.
- FOCUS6 Structural Blade Design is a wind turbine design package developed by the Knowledge Centre Wind turbine Materials and Constructions (WMC). Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- GravoStyle 8 Build 7b by Gravograph is management software for mechanical and laser engraving machines. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- Helium Polish 5.6.91 by OctoNus is a special software for diamond scanner for use in cutting factories, laboratories and dealers. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator.
- Helium Rough 6.0.53 by OctoNus is the most accurate advanced rough cavity mapping and inclusion scanning, value based planning equipment, optimizing rough with value analysis and sawing plans. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator.
- Lonati Common Development 11.0 by Dinema is a few software for Textile production: AtlasL, Codifica, GaloisPlus, PhotonL, QuasarL. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey key emulator.
- MasMill by Pegasus Designs is a software for supply of Rollforming Control Systems. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Multisaw is some software using in diamong cutting process. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- MyASCII 2.0 by MyKA Technology is a software which used for e-Cadastral project to digitize cadastral land survey data and submit the finalize data to Jupem. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- NemaStudi4o NMEA/AIS Simulator 1.36 by Sailsoft. Tested with a custom license.
- NNT 5.6 by NEWTOM is advanced software for 2D and 3D imaging. NNT can process data acquired during the scan to create a vast array of images, which provide detailed information about patient anatomy. They can subsequently be saved in a report or distributed with the Viewer version of the software. NNT also provides different application modes specifically intended for implantology, endodontics, periodontics, maxillofacial surgery and radiology. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator. Custom options set (Expert, DVT9000, etc.) is available.
- NWWin2 2.10 by Spectra s.r.l. is a software for noise and vibration measurements. Tested with the Keylok II key emulator. All modules and options can be activated in the custom license.
- Oxygen Immersion 5.5.6 by OctoNus (also called MBox IG, Oxygen MBox Immersion) is a software developed to work with products of M-Box series, with projects of roughs in immersion glass. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- PIC4 by Mayer and Cie is a software to create textile patterns. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator.
- Phast and Safeti 8.4 by DNV GL is a software for hazard analysis as well as Onshore and Offshore QRA. Tested with the custom license.
- Polyworks Inspector by InnovMetric is a universal 3D dimensional analysis and quality control software solution to control tool or part dimensions, diagnose and prevent manufacturing and assembly issues, guide assembly building through real-time measurements, and oversee the quality of assembled products by using portable metrology devices and CNC CMMs. Tested with the HASP key emulator.
- PowerFactory 2021 SP2 by DigiSILENT is a power system analysis software application for use in analysing generation, transmission, distribution and industrial systems. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator with the full featured license.
- RAPT is a Comprehensive Computer Package for the Analysis and Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures. Tested with the Hardlock and the Codemeter dongles emulator.
- RFEM 3D, RSTAB 3D, RX-TIMBER by Dlubal is Finite Element Analysis, structural analysis and design software package. Tested with the Sentinel HASP SRM dongle emulator.
- SCIA Engineer 20.x by Nemetschek is a design and multi-material structural analysis software. Tested with the custom solution.
- SEE Electrical Expert V4R3 SP12 by IGE+XAO is a powerful Electrical CAD package. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- SEMA 21.1 build 10000 by SEMA GmbH is software for timber construction and stair design as well as for sheet metal work. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. Custom license with all options and features is available by request.
- SisKMR 25.17.6 by GEF-Ingenieur is a software for calculation and dimensioning of district heating pipes. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- StoneCAM 3D 3.1 with InterCAD and LaserScan by Taglio is a CAD-CAM software for CNC machines in the stone industry. Developed to speed up and simplify the design phase in the stone workshops. Tested with the Hardlock dongle emulator.
- Sofistik 20 is a full-cycle structural engineering software. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter hardware key emulator.
- sv Toolbox V4 by System V SRL is a graphical software for tools, adapted to any kind of Machine Tool, with numerical control and at least 5-axis, independently of the level of evolution of the NC equipment. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Taglio 2021 is a well-rounded and close-knit, professional and creative team that guarantees design, application and service performances at the highest limit of the market for various application sectors: stone, glass, sheet metal, leather, mould and other. Tested with the Hardlock dongle emulator.
- ThorShapeCutting is some software using in diamong cutting process. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Tower8 Pro by Radimpex is a professional structural analysis software for static and dynamic analysis and design of all types of concrete, steel and timber structures. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- UFED4PC by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Gemalto HL (Sentinel HASP) key emulatorwith full featured custom license.
- W-Code 10 by Wavecom is a software for radio signal analyze, classification and decoding. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter hardware key emulator.
July-September 2020: Software compatibility list
- 4 Process S.S.19.0.22.C is a software for 3D scanning. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator.
- BackScan is a software for diamonds 3D scanning. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator.
- Booria Carpet Designer 10.0 Professional is the most advanced carpet design software, which is able to meet all demands of professional carpet and rug designers. Tested with the Hardlock dongle emulator.
- Carmen Dental UX is a software for dental clinics, makes it easy for you to fully control your clinic without effort on your part, with a comprehensive service. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- EasyStone 6.7h1 with POWERSIM by DDX Group is is the ideal CAD/CAM for marble and similar materials working industry by numerically controlled machining centres. EasySTONE is complete and fully manages the stone processing avoiding purchase, maintenance, training costs for other additional products: from design to disposition of pieces and underpieces on the bench, 3D automatic collision detection with simulation, machining optimization and program generation. POWERSIM is an additional module capable to verify the NC part programs directly on the PC. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator with full featured custom license.
- ESOP by BIMware is software developed for Component Design and Analysis based in MS Excel with over 150 modules for various types of tasks, such as steel connections (various types) to British and US standards, section property calculations, steel design, fire calculations, wave loader, offshore design modules, castellated beam sections, finite elements, plates, membranes, auto mesh generator, apply loads, instant update of results. Tested with HASP key emulator.
- FrameCAD Detailer is a totally versatile detailing package with world-leading detailing flexibility, makes the process of engineering, designing and detailing each project fast, simple and highly accurate. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. Perpetual license is possible.
- FrameCAD Structure is a comprehensive and powerful detailing and design software package with advanced computer-aided engineering capability. It makes real time engineering calculations as the designs are created, analysing loads, deflections and other forces, making it an easy process to check for compliant engineering. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator.
- Gradework 4D 1.05 by Agtek is a software optimized for construction operations, Gradework 4D adapts AGTEK’s familiar estimating interface for use in planning work, modeling grade, and measuring progress. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- KST Tool 1.13 by KONE is a software for tune KONE evevators and escalators. Tested with the Keylok II key emulator.
- MegCAD 9.0 by Megdragon is a special software based on AutoCAD and it can assist you to design and calculate fire suppression systems such as fire sprinkler, water spray, water mist, carbon dioxide and clean agent system. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- MILLBOX 2020 by CIMsystem is the dental application based on SUM3D platform. This tool has been developed to meet the specific needs of dental technicians who were asking for an easy to use and flexible, ensuring high performance in a short time. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. ‘Advanced’ and ‘Comfort’ options are available in custom license.
- ProNest 2021 Pro by HyperTherm is is a CAD/CAM software for nesting, cutting, and metal fabrication. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- RAPT 6.6.5 is a Comprehensive Computer Package for the Analysis and Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures. Tested with the Hardlock and Codemeter dongles emulator.
- RaumPlan by HAMMES is a special software for simple, fast and individual planning. Tested with HASP key emulator.
- Reconstructor by Gexcel is the worldwide well known and appreciated software to manage point clouds and images coming from different lidar and imaging platforms. Tested with the HASP SRM dongle emulator. License with full modules set is available.
- SEMA 20.1 and 21.1 by SEMA GmbH is software for timber construction and stair design as well as for sheet metal work. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. Custom license with all options and features is available by request.
- STL v18 by ELCEDE GmbH is well-known rule preparation software STL (Steel Rule Processing Software). Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- SPaint.NET by Signal s.r.l. is a software for Sock Graphic Editing and Pattern Designing. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- STRAND7 R3 is a software for full-featured finite element analysis. Tested with the HASP key emulator and custom license.
- UFED Physical Analyzer by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- UFED4PC by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Gemalto HL (Sentinel HASP) key emulator with full featured custom license.
- VisionPro 9.6 by Gognex is a vision software for the most challenging 2D and 3D vision applications. Cognex machine vision software provides the industry’s leading vision technology, available in several formats designed to meet your development needs. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator.
- X-Scribe II by Mortara is a Enterprising Holter analysis solutions. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator.
June 2020: Software compatibility list
- Cubus 8 release 20.1 by Cubus AG is a software for structural and geotechnical engineering. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator. Modules AVENA, CEDRUS, FAGUS, LARIX, MURUS, PYRUS, STATIK with all their features are available with the custom license.
- DCDesk 2000 version 6.0.154 by Heinzmann is a software for engines and turbines management. Level 7 with all hardware and software versions is supported. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator.
- Dimensions! 6.1 by PROCAM is all-in-one solution for footwear development, 3D design, processing and data management. The CAD data and information contained within DIMENSIONS! are the basis for all further enterprise processes, such as cost calculation, material allocation, cutting, product data managment, production planning, etc. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator with custom license.
- ETAP 20 by Operation Technology is a full spectrum analytical engineering software specializing in the analysis, simulation, monitoring, control, optimization, and automation of electrical power systems. ETAP 20 software offers the best and most comprehensive suite of integrated power system enterprise solution that spans from modeling to operation. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. Custom license with all modules activated is available.
- InVivo Dental 6.0.5 by Anatomage is clinical application for Implantology, CAD/CAM, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Radiology, Medicine and General Science. Custom license is possible for all modules: AnatoCeph, 3D-Analysis, Medical Design Studio, Passage, Stitch.
- MILLBOX 2020 by CIMsystem is the dental application based on SUM3D platform. This tool has been developed to meet the specific needs of dental technicians who were asking for an easy to use and flexible, ensuring high performance in a short time. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey key emulator with custom license.
- SES CDEGS Software Package 16.2 by Safe Engineering Services & technologies is Integrated Software for Power System Grounding/Earthing, Electromagnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Interference. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator with custom license. The solution support engineering programs: RESAP, FCDIST, MALT, MALZ, TRALIN, SPLITS, HIFREQ, FFTSES. Following packages are included: AutoGridPro, AutoGroundDesign, Right-Of-Way Pro, SESTLC Pro, SESEnviroPlus, SESShield, SESImpendance, CorrCAD.
- SUM3D 2020 by CIMsystem is the dental application for dental technicians who were asking for an easy to use and flexible, ensuring high performance in a short time. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey key emulator with custom license.
- TachyCAD by FARO is an AutoCAD application that connects a total station or hand-held laser to mobile computer via cable or Bluetooth. TachyCAD supports most of the tachymeters on the market from all of the major manufacturers. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- Trimble Business Center 5.30 is a powerful surveying application that is the perfect desktop complement to Trimble’s full range of survey solutions. Tested with the Sentinel HASP SRM key emulator. Custom license with all activated modules is possible.
- Trutops 300 by TRUMPF is software laser machines. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator with custom generated license.
- Trutops Boost 6.0 by TRUMPF is the all-in-one solution for 3D design and the programming of laser, punching, and bending machines. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- UC2 (Universal Converter) by PROCAM is a bidirectional converter software for most file formats commonly used in the leather processing industry. The software can be used as a stand alone product for file conversion and comparison or be installed as a component within other software-products from Procam. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator with custom license.
- UFED4PC 7.34 by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Gemalto HL (Sentinel HASP) key emulator with full featured custom license.
March-May 2020: Software compatibility list
- 3DesignCAD V9.511by Type3 is the most innovative 3D Jewelry CAD software solution on the market and is aimed to jewelry creators and manufacturers, watchmakers, accessory designers or artisan jewelers. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator with custom license (all options is available, including 3SHAPER and DEEPIMAGE V3).
- Aldena EMLab, NFA3D, SR4, AldeMap, TiltScan is a software for Antenna design and Near field analizer. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator.
- B&K TYPE 7820 EVALUATOR by Brüel & Kjær is environmental noise data analysis software. Tested with the HASP HL key emulator.
- B&K TYPE 7830 QUALIFIER by Brüel & Kjær is a software for viewing, documenting and archiving of airborne, facade and impact sound insulation measurement data. It also displays reverberation measurements as 3D-multispectra, providing a complete overview of the frequency-dependent reverberation curves. Tested with the HASP HL key emulator.
- CAMWorks 3.51 by HCL is the most advanced CAM programming software available for getting products to market faster, more efficiently and within budget. CAMWorks is a next generation best-of-class CNC programming solution that enables its users to program smarter and machine faster. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- DC-Soil (Bodenmechanik) 2020 by DC-Software GmbH contains the whole package DC-Soil including the program DCLABTEGRA for overview and composition of field and laboratory tests. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- DC-Foundation (Grundbaustatik) 2020 by DC-Software GmbH contains all programs DC-Foundation. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- EasyWood 6.7c3 with POWERSIM by DDX Group is is complete and fully manages the woodworking process: from design to disposition of pieces and underpieces on the bench, 3D automatic collision detection with simulation, machining optimization and program generation. POWERSIM is an additional module capable to verify the NC part programs directly on the PC. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator with custom full featured activation code.
- Console Mecall is a software for operate EIDOS RF 439. Tested with the HASP HL key emulator.
- HexSight 5.1 by LMI3D is a software for combine 3rd party machine vision camera images to perform 2D inspection alongside Gocator’s 3D height maps for 3D measurement to produce a more comprehensive 2D and 3D solution. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- ImagoMachine Digital EmotionsPhoto Digital Emotion is a software for photo kiosk. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey 3 key emulator.
- iMos CAD/CAM 11.0 is interior design software. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- LiNear Desktop, Analyse, Design 3D, Building, CADinside 2020 is the Professional Engineering Software for HVAC, Plumbing and Plant Design. Tested with the HASP SRM and Hardlock key emulators. Custom license with support all modules is available.
- Dental Studio 20 by Nemotec is a cephalometric analysis, treatment planning, and morphing software for the orthodontist and maxillofacial surgeon, include modules: NemoCeph 3D Premium, NemoScan Implantology Lab, NemoDent. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator.
- ProcessEditor Software (PSW) 3.1.99 by EOS controls the EOS System. An option of the PSW is the EOS ParameterEditor which allows the exposure parameters to be changed for each specific material. The PSW software allows to optimize various previously preset process parameters to suit the special requirements of different parts. These extended setting options allows to adapt the parameters in steps to the requirements in order to increase the productivity of the system, to save costs or to improve the quality of the parts. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator with custom activation code.
- SAMURAI SoundIntensity by SINUS is addition module to the basic SAMURAI software. The Sound Intensity SAMURAI Option is necessary for sound intensity measurements and analysis. Tested with the Keylok II key emulator with custom activation code.
- SAMURAI SoundPower by SINUS is a software for Sound Power determination in accordance with ISO 3744-46 (from sound pressure measurements). The different measurement points located in a hemispherical or cube surface can be performed simultaneously or sequentially. Tested with the Keylok II key emulator with custom activation code.
- SAMURAI 3.0 by SINUS is a software for sound and vibration analysis with data recorder and FFT analyzer. SINUS Acoustic Multichannel Universal Realtime Analysis Instrument. Tested with the Keylok II key emulator with custom activation code.
- SoundPLAN 8.2 by SoundPLAN GmbH is a the market leader for noise modeling software. Tested with the Hardlock and Sentinel HL key dongle emulator. Custom license with all activated options is available.
- UFED4PC 7.33 by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Gemalto HL (Sentinel HASP) key emulator with full featured custom license.
December 2019 – February 2020: Software compatibility list
- Bailine BSP is a DOS based software for medical equipment. Tested with the HASP4 key emulator.
- Cubus 8 release 19.4.2 by Cubus AG is a software for structural and geotechnical engineering. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator. Modules AVENA, CEDRUS, FAGUS, LARIX, MURUS, PYRUS, STATIK and all their options are available with the custom license.
- DIASYS 2.72 by MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH is a diagnostic software used to communicate with various MTU controllers, RCS-5 Remote Control Systems, MCS-5 Monitoring and Control Systems, ECU-9 and EXU units, XCP protocol, Dialog SafeDEC controller. Tested with the Hardlock dongle emulator. Custom license with Level 2 and with supporting all ECU types is available.
- EasyStone 6.4l1 with POWERSIM by DDX Group is is the ideal CAD/CAM for marble and similar materials working industry by numerically controlled machining centres. EasySTONE is complete and fully manages the stone processing avoiding purchase, maintenance, training costs for other additional products: from design to disposition of pieces and underpieces on the bench, 3D automatic collision detection with simulation, machining optimization and program generation. POWERSIM is an additional module capable to verify the NC part programs directly on the PC. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator and with full featured custom license.
- iMos CAD/CAM 13.0, 14.0 is interior design software. Tested with the HASP key emulator. All modules with custom license are available.
- MPAS by Xi’an Sitan Instruments is a software for analyze data from hole loggin tools equipment. Tested with the SuperDog key (based on Sentinel HASP key) emulator.
- Oxygen Immersion 5.5.4 by by OctoNus is designed for diamond cutters and sale specialists dealing with rough diamonds, manufacturers and technologists. Tested with Sentinel HASP SRM key emulator.
- DIMENSIONS! 6.1 by PROCAM is a sofwtare for footwear development. Main features: Pattern Engineering System (CAD), Full 2D and 3D CAD integration, 2D technical tool (engineering, grading, etc.), 3D virtual design tool (communication tool), Ray Tracing. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- RWIND Simulation version 1.21 by PC-PROGRESS is a stand-alone program for numerical simulations of wind flow (digital wind tunnel) around buildings or any other objects and generating wind loads, i.e. forces acting on these objects. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- SEMA 19.2 and 20.1 by SEMA GmbH is software for timber construction and stair design as well as for sheet metal work. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. Custom license with all modules activated is available.
- WeldSight by Olympus IMS is software helps deliver compliant, repeatable phased array and UT-TOFD weld inspections. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- DCDesk 2000 version is a software for configuration, parameterization and programming of turbines and engines digital ECUs are supported. Tested with the Sentinel HL dongle emulator. License with Level 7 with support EMR2, Liebherr MVC03 and DC5 ECUs is available.
- GEO-INFO MAPA 19.4.5 by Systherm is the main module of an integrated Geographic Information System GEO-INFO. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Geos 9 by ZEIA is a geodesic CAD software. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey 3 dongle emulator.
- HYPACK versions 2019 SP3 and 2020 is a necessary software to complete hydrographic, side scan and magnetometer survey requirements. Tested with the UNIKEY dongle emulator. Custom full featured license is available.
- ISTRAM ISPOL 2020 by Buhodra Ingeniería is CAD/CAM software for civil engineering. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. Custom license is available.
- KLAES and and is software solutions for windows, doors, facades and conservatories. Versions premium, professional, vario, trade and 3D are supported. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator. All options is available with custom license.
- LogiKal 11.2 and 12 by ORGADATA is a software package with CAD-Suite 2D and CNC includes all important functions needed in metal construction: From the input of elements to calculation and even optimisation of cuts. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- TurnMaster 2.0 by Eterno S.r.l. is a software for employee accounting. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey dongle emulator.
- UFED Analytics Desktop 8.2.666 by Cellebrite has functionality like UFED Physical Analyzer and UFED Link Analysis. It turn raw, disparate data into actionable intelligence with greater speed and efficiency. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- UFED Physical Analyzer by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- UFED4PC by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator with full featured custom license.
August-November 2019: Software compatibility list
- 3DesignCAD V9.510 by Type3 is the most innovative 3D Jewelry CAD software solution on the market and is aimed to jewelry creators and manufacturers, watchmakers, accessory designers or artisan jewelers. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator with custom license (all options is available, including 3SHAPER and DEEPIMAGE V3).
- Afcon PULSE 4.11 is a software for management, command and control for industrial grade systems. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- Earthwork 4D 1.21.2 by Agtek is a software for civil construction that provides a shareable, modular solution for quantity takeoff, GPS modeling, implementation planning and production control for earthwork, paving and pipe. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Gradework 4D 1.03.2 by Agtek is a software optimized for construction operations, Gradework 4D adapts AGTEK’s familiar estimating interface for use in planning work, modeling grade, and measuring progress. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Materials 4D 1.14.3 by Agtek is a software combines intuitive data entry with flexible reporting, to speed your estimates of construction materials. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Underground 4D 1.14.3 by Agtek is a software combines intuitive data entry with flexible reporting to speed your estimates of storm, sewer, water and other underground utilities. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- BlastPlan Pro by Blast Management International is a graphically based initiation design and simulation package for Shotfirers and Drill and Blast Engineers. Tested with the Key-Lok II key emulator.
- Bsuite bSolid by Biesse is a 3D CAD CAM software program that supports the performance of any machining operation thanks to vertical modules designed for specific manufacturing processes. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- Conval 10.5.1 by F.I.R.S.T. is a software for engineers, planners and operators of industrial plants, provides extensive calculation functionalities for components and processes in industrial systems, based on tried-and-tested methods, such as DIN, VDI, VDMA EN/ISO and ISA. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- Cubus 8 releases 19.3.1 and 19.4.1 with modules: AVENA, CEDRUS, FAGUS, LARIX, MURUS, PYRUS, STATIK by Cubus AG is a software for structural and geotechnical engineering. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator. All Modules and Options are available with the custom license.
- Cut-Rite v9, v11 by HOMAG is the worldwide leading software for optimizing cutting operations for panel-shaped materials. This powerful, user-friendly program optimizes for speed or waste, thus reducing the overall cutting costs. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- DCDesk 2000 version 5.23.676 by Heinzmann is a software for engines and turbines management. Level 7 with all hardware and software versions is supported. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator.
- ETAP 19.5 by Operation Technology is a full spectrum analytical engineering software specializing in the analysis, simulation, monitoring, control, optimization, and automation of electrical power systems. ETAP 19.5 software offers the best and most comprehensive suite of integrated power system enterprise solution that spans from modeling to operation. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. Custom license with full modules set is available.
- IDEA Statica Steel by IDEA StatiCa is engineering software dedicated to structural design and code-check of joints, cross sections, beams and other details. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- Innovyze InfoWorks ICM, Workgroup Client by Innovyze is is an advanced integrated catchment modeling software. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator with custom license (all modules is available).
- JKSimBlast 2.11 with modules: 2DBench, 2DFace, 2DRing, 2DView, JKBMS, JKBench, TimeHEx by Soft-Blast is a comprehensive suite of programs for blast design and analysis. It is available as stand-alone modules and three packages. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator. All Options are available with the custom license.
- Opty-Way 8.5 with options: CAD, CAM, EW, NC, OWL, STRATO, GEO, LW, SCAN, TV by Optima S.r.l. is the world’s most widely used optimizer for the flat glass industry. Tested with the Aladdin Hardlock key emulator. All Options and machines types are available with the custom license.
- Ottimo PerfectCut 7.90 is a cutting optimization software for single blade and angular beam saws with many features. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey 3 dongle emulator.
- ProNest 2019 Pro by HyperTherm is is a CAD/CAM software for nesting, cutting, and metal fabrication. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- RadExPro 2019.1 by DECO GEOPHYSICAL is a seismic processing software on Windows. It is well suited for in-depth HR/UHR marine seismic processing, real-time marine 2D/3D seismic QC, onboard fast track processing, land and marine off–line seismic QC, complete processing of near–surface seismic data (reflection, refraction, tomography, MASW) and VSP processing. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- Rocket 3.0 by Civil Engineering Monash University is a software for design piled foundations. Tested with the custom license.
- Trimble RealWorks 11.1.2 is scanning software allows you to integrate 3D point and survey data to Extract measurements, Generate deliverables and Utilize inside 3D CAD software. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- UFED Analytics Desktop 8.1.387 by Cellebrite has functionality like UFED Physical Analyzer and UFED Link Analysis. It turn raw, disparate data into actionable intelligence with greater speed and efficiency. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- UFED Physical Analyzer by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- UFED4PC by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator with full featured custom license.
- Vision 8 Workstation by Exact Software is business administration tools from Accounting Software to Payroll solutions and from inventory management tools to Point of Sales (POS) software. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
April -July 2019: Software compatibility list
- 3D Endo by Dentsply Sirona is an endodontic treatment planning software. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- Engineering Base 2019 SP1 by Aucotec is engineering software for the life cycle of machines, plants & mobile systems. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- CAD4U by C-TECHNIK Software GmbH is drawing and construction software. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator.
- CadnaA 2019 isby Datakustik is the powerful software for calculating and assessing interior noise. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- Cubus 8: AVENA-8, CEDRUS-8, FAGUS-8, LARIX-8, MURUS-8, PYRUS-8, STATIK-8 by Cubus AG is a software for structural and geotechnical engineering. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator. All Modules and Options are available with the custom license.
- Curry 8 by Compumedics is a Comprehensive Package for EEG Acquisition, Analysis, Image Data Processing, and Source Reconstruction. Tested with the HASP4 key emulator.
- EasyCut 4.9n3 by DDX Group is the CAD/CAM software specific for marble, granite, stone and similar materials working industry by numerically controlled BRIDGE SAWS. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey key emulator. All options can be activated in the custom license.
- EasyWood 6.6d1 (X-CAD 2019) by DDX Group is woodworking sector CAD/CAM software. EasyWOOD is complete and fully manages the woodworking process: from design to disposition of pieces and underpieces on the bench, 3D automatic collision detection with simulation, machining optimization and program generation. Tested with HASP SRM key emulator with the custom license (Premium level with full options set)
- EMTP-RV is a software for simulation and analysis of power systems. Tested with the custom license.
- GravoStyle 8 Build 5 by Gravograph is management software for mechanical and laser engraving machines. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- IsoCAM 5.0 Pro by MDA Elektronica is Gerber/HPGL editor with isolation feature. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey 3 key emulator.
- MAGNET Tools by Topcon is a surveyors go-to software for data processing. Tested with the custom license.
- MILLBOX 2019 by CIMsystem is the dental application based on SUM3D platform. This tool has been developed to meet the specific needs of dental technicians who were asking for an easy to use and flexible, ensuring high performance in a short time. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey key emulator.
- neXus 1.6 by Compumedics is a software application which provides a centralized patient database and document management system. Tested with the HASP HL key emulator.
- ΡΑΦ 7.1 is Static Design of Buildings software. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- PC-DMIS 2019 R1 SP3 by HEXAGON is the world’s most popular measurement software. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- PowerCAD4 is some CAD software. Tested with the HASP4 key emulator.
- SCIA 2019 by Nemetschek is a civil engineering package for structural analysis and design. Tested with the custom license.
- Sirona inLab + CAM 2019 by Dentsply Sirona is a dental labs CAD/CAM center. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- Sofistik 2018 is a heavy CAD/FEA. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- SoundPLAN 8.1 by SoundPLAN GmbH is a the market leader for noise modeling software. Tested with the Hardlock dongle emulator. Custom license with all activated options is available.
- SUM3D 2019 by CIMsystem is the dental application based on SUM3D platform. This tool has been developed to meet the specific needs of dental technicians who were asking for an easy to use and flexible, ensuring high performance in a short time. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey key emulator.
- TECNOMETAL 19 by STEEL&GRAPHICS is a CAD/CAM software. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator.
- Titan by Tecnai is a special software for electron tomography. Tested with the HASP HL key emulator. Custom license with all activated modules is available.
- UFED Analytics Desktop 8.0.192 by Cellebrite has functionality like UFED Physical Analyzer and UFED Link Analysis. It turn raw, disparate data into actionable intelligence with greater speed and efficiency. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- UFED Physical Analyzer by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- UFED4PC by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator with full featured custom license.
- Viz Libero by vizrt is a sports analysis solution. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter key emulator.
- W-CODE by WaveCOM is a radio signal analyze software. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- Wizcon Supervisor 9.4 by ELUTIONS Europe is SCADA software. Tested with the HASP HL key emulator.
September 2018 – March 2019: Software compatibility list
- 3DesignCAD V9.500 by Type3 is the most innovative 3D Jewelry CAD software solution on the market and is aimed to jewelry creators and manufacturers, watchmakers, accessory designers or artisan jewelers. Tested with the Sentinel HASP key emulator with custom license (all options is available, including 3SHAPER and DEEPIMAGE V3).
- AccessTuner Pro/Race for BMW, Ford, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Porsche, Subaru by COBB Tuning is engine tuning software created for enthusiast tuners. Accesstuner allows the user to get into the heart of the OEM ECU and create custom calibrations for vehicles equipped with virtually any performance modification. The end result is a tune that is custom tailored to the vehicle’s unique modifications, producing maximum power gains while maintaining the drive-ability and sophistication inherent in the OEM ECU. Tested with the HASP SRM dongle emulator.
- Advanced GEM80 Programmer (AGP) is the latest application in a range of GEM80 programming tools from Advanced Technical Software and has been designed to replace the aging UGP, Gemesys and GPP programming packages. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- AEwin for Sensor Highway III by MISTRAS Group is a program for real-time “simultaneous” Acoustic Emission (AE) feature and waveform processing, display, fast storage, and replay. It is used for true, real-time operation and control with your MISTRAS AE Systems (Express-8, PCI2, SAMOS, SH II, SH III, AE USB Node, and Wireless AE Node). Tested with the Keylok II key emulator.
- APM Civil Engineering 16 is CAD/CAE system for civil and industrial building structures. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- ASKO-2D version 5.5 is 2D CAD/CAM systems for the footwear industry, a complete automatic cutting solution on sythetic and natural materials, including a leather digitizing system, interactive and automatic nesting, drivers for many cutting machines and a complete management system. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- BACeye 2.0 is a software for мisualization and analysis of BACnet networks. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator.
- BOHR2000 by Ackermann KG is a software using for create layer directories according to DIN 4022/4023. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- CadnaA 2018.1 by Datakustik is the powerful software for calculating and assessing interior noise. Tested with the Sentinel HASP dongle emulator.
- CARPET Works by Hydromantis is Preliminary Design & Costing for Wastewater Treatment Plants. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Centering by Bettonville is an application for Setting Station enables off-line setting and positioning of diamond-made objects for any 2,5D shaping operation (shapes from DXF file, fancy shapes, faceting of anvils, crown or pavilion of gem-diamond shapes, etc.). Tested with the Eutron Smartkey key emulator.
- Conval 10.4 by F.I.R.S.T. is a software for engineers, planners and operators of industrial plants, provides extensive calculation functionalities for components and processes in industrial systems, based on tried-and-tested methods, such as DIN, VDI, VDMA EN/ISO and ISA. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- Cubus 7 release 2018.1 is a most productive software tools for structural engineers. Contains following modules: AVENA-7, CEDRUS-7, DOMUS-7, FAGUS-7, LARIX-7, MURUS-7, PYRUS-7, STATIK-7. Tested with the Hardlock dongle emulator and custom full featured license.
- DC-Soil (Bodenmechanik) 2018 by DC-Software GmbH contains the whole package DC-Soil including the program DCLABTEGRA for overview and composition of field and laboratory tests. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- DC-Foundation (Grundbaustatik) 2018 by DC-Software GmbH contains all programs DC-Foundation. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- Dairy Comp (DCWIN) by Valley Agricultural is the dairy industry’s most advanced on-farm dairy management software program. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- MountainsMap Premium 7.32 by DigitalSurf is a complete solution for scanning probe microscopy image and data analysis. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. All optional modules is available.
- DVR Examiner 2.6 by DME forensics is a software solution for the recovery of video and metadata from DVR surveillance systems in a forensically sound manner. This “game changing” software can help save your team time and money when recovering video evidence by recovering data directly from the DVR, bypassing passwords to recover video, including deleted video, from a suspect DVR.. Tested with the Keylok II key emulator.
- ETAP 18.1.1 and 19.0 by Operation Technology is a full spectrum analytical engineering software company specializing in the analysis, simulation, monitoring, control, optimization, and automation of electrical power systems. ETAP software offers the best and most comprehensive suite of integrated power system enterprise solution that spans from modeling to operation. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. Custom license with full modules set is available.
- FrameCAD Detailer 5.0 is a totally versatile detailing package with world-leading detailing flexibility, makes the process of engineering, designing and detailing each project fast, simple and highly accurate. Tested with the Sentinel HASP SRM key emulator. Perpetual license is possible.
- FrameCAD Structure 9.0 is a comprehensive and powerful detailing and design software package with advanced computer-aided engineering capability. It makes real time engineering calculations as the designs are created, analysing loads, deflections and other forces, making it an easy process to check for compliant engineering. Tested with Sentinel HASP SRM key emulator.
- GEO-INFO MAPA 2018.4 by Systherm is the main module of an integrated Geographic Information System GEO-INFO. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- GPS-X by Hydromantis is a Premium Water & Wastewater Modelling and Simulation Software. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- GRAFIS 12 is a unique software for the design and layout of garments. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- ISTRAM ISPOL 2019 is software for civil engineering. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- KONE KST Tool 1.10 is a software for tune KONE evevators and escalators. Tested with the Keylok II key emulator.
- OnDemand3D Dental Server by Cybermed is a complete imaging solution used by dentists, researchers, orthodontists and many others. It is a module-based software that allows DICOM data storage and includes tools to help with diagnosis and treatment planning. Tested with the HASP SRM dongle emulator. Custom license with all activated modules is possible.
- Oxygen DZ by OctoNus is designed for diamond cutters and sale specialists dealing with rough diamonds, manufacturers and technologists. Tested with Sentinel HASP SRM key emulator.
- Oxygen DZ Lite by OctoNus is designed for diamond cutters and sale specialists dealing with rough diamonds, manufacturers and technologists. Tested with Sentinel HASP SRM key emulator.
- Predictor-LimA Software Suite Type AU-7810 version 2019.01 by EMS Brüel & Kjær is environmental noise modeling and mapping, modeling, calculating and predicting software. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- SmartClass USC by Radix is a software for classroom management. Tested with the custom license.
- RAPT 6.5.18 is a Comprehensive Computer Package for the Analysis and Design of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures. Tested with the Hardlock and Codemeter dongles emulator.
- RebarCAD 2018.1 by CADS is detailing software is easy to use to create and edit accurate reinforcement drawings and bar bending schedules. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Res3Dinvx64 3.14 Professional by Geotomo is 2D and 3D Geophysical Inversion Software for Resistivity and Induced Polarization data. Tested with the Keylok II key emulator.
- SICAM PAS v8.0 by SIEMENS is a software for configure and operate various types of protection units, IEDs, bay control units, measured-value recorders and telecontrol units from a wide range of manufacturers. SICAM PAS offers a large number of commercially available communication protocols for recording data from various devices and through differing communication channels. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Simu Works by Hydromantis is Virtual Platform for Operator Training & Plant Operation. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Smooth CAM RS 4.0 by MAZAK is a software for fast programming and simulation of the Mazatrol SmoothX and Mazatrol SmoothG CNC systems in an office using the same operation method as on the shop floor. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator.
- SPAC Start Impianti Plus 16 by SDProget is the most popular and appreciated CAD Software for the design of civil, industrial and tertiary electrical systems. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey key emulator.
- Trimble Business Center 5.00 is a powerful surveying application that is the perfect desktop complement to Trimble’s full range of survey solutions. Tested with the Sentinel HASP SRM key emulator. Custom license with all activated modules is possible.
- Toxchem by Hydromantis is Industry Standard for Modelling the Estimation of Air Emissions from WWTP. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Trimble Access Field Software suite offers surveyors and geospatial professionals a range of specialized field applications designed to make fieldwork easier. With an easy-to-use interface, optimized workflows, and real-time data synchronization, the Trimble Access software suite enables you to accomplish more every day. Tested with the custom license (all activated modules is possible).
- UFED4PC 7.16 by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- WATPRO by Hydromantis is Disinfection Optimization at Drinking Water Treatment Plants. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- WenDuct by WENDES is a HVAC sheet metal and mechanical estimating software covers all aspects of commercial and industrial sheet metal estimating. Wendes Sheet Metal estimating systems are modular providing the most advanced screen takeoff technology and fastest “real time data base. Tested with the Keylok II key emulator.
- WenPipe by WENDES is a estimating software provide fast, accurate takeoff with the most comprehensive and accurate pre-loaded labor man-hours and material pricing available. Tested with the Keylok II key emulator.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Sincerely yours,
nodongle.biz team
nodongle.biz team
June-August 2018: Software compatibility list
- AccesstunerPro Nissan GTR, BMW, Ford, Mazda, Mitsubishi 1.9.1 by COBB Tuning is software for car tuning. Tested with the HASP key emulator.
- AllPlan 2018 is a heavy engineering CAD, BIM. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- Athena 2017 by CAD-PLAN is the leading AutoCAD based design software for curtain wall design and facade engineering on the market. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- BioWin 5.3 by EnviroSim is a wastewater treatment process simulator that ties together biological, chemical, and physical process models. BioWin is used world-wide to design, upgrade, and optimize wastewater treatment plants of all types. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator. BW Controller option is available.
- CEREC 4.6 by Sirona. Dental practice CAD/CAM. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- Chromeleon is a Chromatography Data System. Tested with the WIBU-BOX key emulator.
- D’Fusion by Total Immersion is a software for Augmented Reality technology. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Earthwork 4D Suite by Agtek is most advanced software for civil construction, quantity takeoff, GPS modeling, production planning and mobile control of earthwork, paving and pipe. With modules Materials 4D and Underground 4D. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Edge Wise v5.1 is a tool to automatically identify and extract infrastructure and other elements from point clouds. Tested with the SafeNet SHK dongle emulator.
- ETAP 18.0 by Operation Technology is a full spectrum analytical engineering software company specializing in the analysis, simulation, monitoring, control, optimization, and automation of electrical power systems. ETAP software offers the best and most comprehensive suite of integrated power system enterprise solution that spans from modeling to operation. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator. Custom license with full modules set is available.
- Father 3.0.16 by SSI Technologia is tool for create desktop applications quickly. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Flight Management Suite (FMS) by Teledyne Optech is an integrated workflow tool that handles flight planning, multiple sensor system control and monitoring, and navigation in one convenient package. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- Flixo Pro 6.1 by Infomind is thermal bridge analysis and reporting application. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator.
- FrameCAD Detailer is a totally versatile detailing package with world-leading detailing flexibility, makes the process of engineering, designing and detailing each project fast, simple and highly accurate. Tested with the Sentinel HASP SRM key emulator. Perpetual license is possible.
- GRAFIS 11 is a unique software for the design and layout of garments. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- HTRI Xchanger Suite 7.3.2 by Heat Transfer Research is leader software in process heat transfer and heat exchanger technology, includes components for heat transfer and associated calculations of heat exchangers and fired heaters. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- inLab 18.0 . Dental Labs CAD. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- inLab CAM 18.0 . Dental Labs CAM. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- Intella PRO 2.1 by Vound is eDiscovery and digital investigation software for powerful process, search and analysis that makes it easy to find critical information. Tested with the Sentinel HASP SRM key emulator.
- Lidar Mapping Suite (LMS Manager) Professional by Teledyne Optech is a processing workflow tool designed specifically for high-volume production processing. LMS Professional fully automates many tasks while offering exceptional flexibility and ease of use. From automated lidar calibration to extensive geodetic conversions, accuracy reporting, and parallel processing, Optech LMS Standard is fully designed for lidar survey production. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- LiNear Desktop, Analyse, Design 3D, Building, CADinside 19 is the Professional Engineering Software for HVAC, Plumbing and Plant Design. Tested with the HASP SRM and Hardlock key emulator. Custom license with all modules is possible.
- Mikrotek MikroWin 2000 by Labsis is software for Control microplate based Instrument. The software can control a reading process for every microplate orientated reader. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator.
- MultiSUITE software provides world-wide professional Structural Steel detailing and Reinforced Concrete and Rebar CAD solutions. The software are available for AutoCAD, BricsCAD, GstarCAD and ZWCAD. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- NNT 6.1 by NEWTOM is advanced software for 2D and 3D imaging. NNT can process data acquired during the scan to create a vast array of images, which provide detailed information about patient anatomy. They can subsequently be saved in a report or distributed with the Viewer version of the software. NNT also provides different application modes specifically intended for implantology, endodontics, periodontics, maxillofacial surgery and radiology. Tested with the Hardlock key emulator. Custom options set (Expert, DVT9000, etc.) is available.
- Precprint by GeoVision is a comprehensive video management system. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- SACET by TecApro is a platform for analyzing telephone traffic, now in the Cloud, under a software as a service (SaaS) model, which will provide complete control over your calls: incoming, outgoing, internal and lost call.. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- SCENE 2018 by FARO is the most intuitive and efficient software for scan data processing and registration. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- SCIA Engineer is a BIM-ready and multi-material structural analysis and design software for all types of structures. Tested with the custom solution.
- Sirona plug-ins Framework, Model, Check, Splint. Extensions for the popular Sirona dental software. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- Sofistik 2018 is a heavy civil engineering CAD, FEA. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter stick emulator.
- SpectraPro 4.17.36 by VMI International is an analysis program for Easy-Viber, Easy-Balancer and X-Viber. Calculation of machine fault frequencies including a bearing data base, belt drives, gear boxes and electrical motors. Tested with the HASP key emulator. Custom full facility license with X-Viber full options set is available.
- Sperm Class Analyzer by Microptics is software for semen analysis allows the accurate, repetitive and automatic assessment of the following sperm parameters: motility, concentration, morphology, DNA fragmentation, vitality, acrosome reaction and leukocyte. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.
- STRAND7 R246 is a software for full-featured finite element analysis. Tested with the HASP key emulator.
- Trimble Business Center HCE 4.10 is a powerful surveying application that is the perfect desktop complement to Trimble’s full range of survey solutions. Tested with the Sentinel HASP SRM key emulator. Activating all modules is possible.
- TypeEdit 13 build E by type3 is the leading artistic design & manufacturing solution for CNC, provides powerful 2D, 2.5D and 3D CAD and CAM modules to tackle any job. Tested with the Sentinel HL key emulator with full featured custom license.
- UFED Analytics Desktop 7.3 by Cellebrite has functionality like UFED Physical Analyzer and UFED Link Analysis. It turn raw, disparate data into actionable intelligence with greater speed and efficiency. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- UFED Physical Analyzer 7.9 by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- UFED Cloud Analyzer 7.3 by Cellebrite software unlock cloud-based evidence to solve the case sooner. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- UFED4PC 7.9 by Cellebrite provides unmatched access to mobile data and exposes every segment of a device’s memory using advanced logical, file system and physical extractions, in-depth decoding, analysis and reporting features. Tested with the Sentinel HL (formerly HASP SRM) key emulator.
- WellCAD 5.2 by Advanced Logic Technology used by the world’s leading Oil & Gas, Mining and Environmental companies, consultants, research institutions and government agencies. WellCAD handles the entire data loading, log editing, analysis and presentation workflow for drilling, wellsite, core and logging data – independent of the industry sector. Tested with the HASP SRM key emulator.