- AccessData FTK is a forensic package. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- CamLink by GriffoBrothers is a CAM tool and plug-in for SolidWorks CAD. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- DAT/EM Summit Evolution is a photogrammetric software. Tested with the SafeNet Sentinel dongle emulator.
- Inpho Application Master 5.5, OrthoVista, etc. One of the best geo-data processing software. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- iRockerTouch is a karaoke system software. Tested with the SafeNet Sentinel Hardware Key dongle emulator.
- Leica Cyclone 8.0 is a geo-scanner management and data processing software. Tested with the custom FlexLM license.
- Optiplanning 2.0.3 is a cutting planner optimizing software. Tested with the Eutron Smartkey dongle emulator.
- Plaxis 2D v2012 is a FEA calculations engineering product. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- Plaxis 3D v2012 is a FEA calculations engineering product. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- QTSculptor is a 3D scanner management and points cloud processing software. Tested with the WIBU-BOX dongle emulator.
- REpower AG, SCADA is a management tool for wind power plants. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- Synergis Adept is a documents management server. Tested with the custom license.
- Tajima DGML is an embroidery software. Tested with the SafeNet Sentinel Hardware Key (SHK) dongle emulator.
- TillyPad XL is a CRM/POS for restaurants, coffees, etc. Tested with the SafeNet SHK dongle emulator.
- SMI Experiment Center is a design software for gaze tracking experiments and visual stimulus presentation. Tested with the Sentinel HASP SRM dongle emulator.
- Teoco Ultima Forte is a tool that enables operators to maximize GSM/GPRS/EDGE networks quality, capacity, and coverage automatically. Tested with the Sentinel HASP SRM dongle emulator.
- Teoco Ultima Mentor is a next generation self-organizing mobile measurements based analysis and optimization product for wireless Networks. Tested with the Sentinel HASP SRM dongle emulator.
- Dataton Watchout is a distributed multimedia presentation software. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.
- Wavecom W-Code v8.1 is a radio signal analysis software. Tested with the WIBU CodeMeter dongle emulator.